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Semen Sales


We have limited quantities Nigerian Dwarf semen available.


Nigerian Dwarf


PromisedLand CP Bounty Hunter +*S
(ARMCH Ceasar's Villa CBS Cowpoke ++*S x MCH Green Gate Lil Red Riding Hood *D,E)
The genetics behind this guy are stellar! We expect Hunter to pass along high, tight, rear udders, near perfect fore udders, greater teat size and length, and awesome general appearance. His dam, the late great MCH Green Gate Lil' Red Riding Hood *D E was the most consistant doe in the PromisedLand herd, reproducing herself or better, over and over. His sire, the late ARMCH Caesar's Villa CBS Cowpoke ++*S E is out of consistantly great animals as well. Hunter has one finished champion daughter in our herd; MCH Dill's BH Giddy-Up 4*D, 2 Superior Genetics daughters as well as numerous *M & *D daughters. He's my "go-to" that, if I need something improved, I go to Bounty Hunter! Full sister to Bounty Hunter is ARMCH/GCH PromisedLand CP Little BoPeep 2*D/*M E90, E92
2007 & 2008 ANDDA Total Performer, 2007 AGS Reserve National Champion Senior Doe, 21 x Best of Breed, 20 x Best Udder and 1 x Best Doe in Show.  5 straws $250 
45 straws available


PromisedLand CP Fort Knox *S
(ARMCH Ceasar's Villa CBS Cowpoke ++*S x MCH Hayseed Farms Mocha Gold *D,E)
Our second ARMCH Cowpoke son. We are very pleased we were able to bring this buck to our herd two years ago. Knox is the son of one of our most favored does; MCH Hayseed Farms Mocha Gold *D who was perhaps the most conformationally correct doe I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. We also have Knox's 3/4 sister residing on our farm, SG NCPromisedLand HS Mocha Java 2*D, *M. Reason enough to bring him here and utilize his genetics in our breeding program. One of the most gentle bucks I've ever owned!  5 straws $200 
18 straws available Will sell the 3 extra straws for $120


Dill's LD Top Gun *S
(ARMCH Twin Creeks LS Luck of the Draw +*S x PromisedLand CP Fiddle DeeDee 2*D)
Top Gun has spent a bit of time strutting his stuff in the showring...we rarely show our boys, but we felt like we wouldn't be doing this guy justice if he didn't get to walk out. He's absolutely dripping with General Appearance. But...this guy isn't just another pretty face...he's proven to be a producer of daughters as well! His  daughter SGCH/MCH Dill's TG Brand New Girlfriend *M/*D, earned her milk star this year as well as took two Grand Champion Senior Doe wins along with a Best Udder award and went on to grab that coveted Best Doe in Show! Girlfriend is now a finished ADGA champion and has earned her *M on 305 day test. Top Gun's newest finished champion daughter CH/MCH Dill's TG Lucille Two will earn her 305 day star soon! We feel that Top Gun is a terrific combination buck with General Appearance as well as first rate mammery systems to offer! 1 more fresh daughter and he'll earn his plus B!   5 straws $250  
35 straws available


Dill's LD Derringer +B,*S 
(ARMCH Twin Creeks LS Luck of the Draw +*S x PromisedLand CP Fiddle DeeDee 2*D)
Littermate to the above Top Gun. Derringer is a light gold buck and tends to produce that color in his kids. Just so you know.... He has three fresh daughters in our herd that earned their milk stars and all three scored EX 90 in ADGA's Linear Appraisal program. Again...a very typy general appearance buck with lots of milk! Tends to throw his dam...the lovely Fiddle DeeDee. And did I mention that Fiddle DeeDee is the littermate sister to ARMCH/GCH PromisedLand CP Little BoPeep 2*D/*M E90, E92
2007 & 2008 ANDDA Total Performer, 2007 AGS Reserve National Champion Senior Doe, 21 x Best of Breed, 20 x Best Udder and 1 x Best Doe in Show ? Well, she is!  Not only did Derringer's 3 daughters, Blonde Bombshell, Kitten Kabootle & Hocus Pocus all place in the top ten at the 2012 ADGA National Show in their respective classed, Derringer's Get of Sire group has been unbeatable in our area, and also took 1st place at the 2012 ADGA National Show. Derringer now has three *M daughters earing him his +S 
5 straws $300 


Dill's LD Casino *S
(ARMCH Twin Creeks LS Luck of the Draw +*S x PromisedLand GO Irresistible 5*D)
This wonderful buck is a combination of some of the absolute best genetics our herd has to offer. Sired by ARMCH Lucky, who speaks for himself, dam to this young man is Irresistible out of Golden Oak of that famous X-Ray x Cinderella cross and Polka Dottie, full sister to the lovely MCH PromisedLand LD Panacea 4*D. With a line up like that to back him up I think we have a win win situation. I have freshened a few daughters of Casino's in our herd...they have increased capacity over their dams, improved general appearance, and wonderful dairy character. 1 more fresh daughter and he'll earn his plus S! Unfortunately I let someone talk me into selling him at a stressful financial crisis he's no longer working for us in our own herd. However, I did have the forsight to collect him but will only offer 10 straws of semen for sale. I'll keep the rest for my own use. 
5 straws $200 
5 straws available


Caesar's Villa Flirt'NWithFire
(MCH Caesar's Villa FL Brat In Barn *S x Caesar's Villa STS Flirtatious)
Fire is from some of our absolute favorite lines. If you know ARMCH Caesar's Villa CBS Stetson ++*S, you know why I say that! Stetson is perhaps the most influential buck the Nigerian Dwarf breed has seen so far. There have been several, but in my opinion, this guy made one of the largest contributions to the breed, from the correct mammary systems, high volume producers and lovely conformation, he was a total package buck that is hard to beat. Fire goes back to Stetson several times in his pedigree, not to mention having not one, but TWO national champions represented in his immediate pedigree says a whole heck of a lot about this buck.
5 straws $150  
35 straws available



Dill's XM Old Hank *S/*B
MI Sugar Creek TW Tune's XM *S/+*B x SG NCPromisedLand HS Mocha Java 2*D/*M
We have always loved Mocha Java on this farm, so I finally decided I was keeping a buck kid. This guy, though just a plain ol buckskin is so correct, is the one for me. I love the buckskin pattern, so that's a bonus for me too. Mocha not only has been one of our best and steadiest milkers, she also LAd VEEE 90. Hank is a very dairy buck, and so far, with the few kids I've had from him, has proven to throw beautiful dairy correct kids as well.  Only 30 straws collected  5 straws $200 
40 straws available


Dill's BF Bocephus *B
NC PromisedLand RC Bonafide +*B x GCH Dill's XM Shimmer 3*M
I needed another buck out in my yard so why not keep the best kid from one of the best mammary systems we've ever produced? Not to mention general appearance. I absolutely love adding her to my bloodlines through this guy won't hurt me at all! Y'all are lucky I don't show bucks...this little guy is so correct and so dairy, you'd have something to contend with! Really loving the way this guy has matured! 5 straws $200
10 straws available


Dill's D Two-Step *B
Dill's LD Derringer *S,+B x SGCH NC PromisedLand Pal Macarena 5*M
This buck is a combination of some of the BEST genetics the Nigerian Dwarf breed has to offer along with years worth of breeding for us here at Dill's. He goes back to some of the finest animals the Nigerian Dwarf breed has ever produced in both the show ring and the milk pail. His dam was one of the first Nigerians to earn her Superior Genetics designation. Between Macarena & our Dill's Derringer daughters, they have multiple Grand Champion awards, Best of Breed awards, Best Udder awards, Best in Show as well as Excellent Linear Appraisal scores. Two-Step's dam Macarena was 1st place, 1st udder at 2 ADGA National Shows as a 2 year old and as a 4 year old.  His sire's daughters have been 1st Place Get of Sire on numerous occasions including at the 2012 ADGA National Show. Now, if that's not pretty enough for you, I don't know what is!  5 straws $200
9 straws available


Dill's B&R Church *B
Dill's RD Big & Rich *B x Dill's BF Glamour 4*M
5 straws for $150 Minimum Collection
Only 30 straws available


Dill's B&R Redneck Crazy *B
Dill's RD Big & Rich *B x Dill's XM Pantastic 2*M
5 straws for $200 Minimum Collection
Only 20 straws available


Dill's B&R Beer Money *B
Dill's RD Big & Rich *B x GCH Dill's W Intrigue 2*M
5 straws for $200
15 straws available


Dill's OH Backyard Swagger *B
Dill's XM Old Hank *B x SG Dill's BF Free 5*M
5 straws for $150 Minimum Collection
Only 20 straws available


Dill's BJ Playa *B
Dill's TS Banjo *B x Dill's GA Vamp 3*M
5 straws for $200 Minimum Collection
Only 5 straws available


Dill's GA Magician *B
SG Dill's BF Genuine Article ++*B x GCH Dill's W Intrigue 2*M
5 straws for $200
Only 5 straws available



Chris & Ellen Dorsey

Joshua & Jonathon Dill

21181 E. Hwy 28 A

Chelsea, OK 74016


(918) 789 - 8174


Ellen F. Dorsey

21181 E Highway 28A

Chelsea, OK 74016

(918) 789-8174


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