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Terms of Sale


Reserving Kids from our Kidding Schedule

We require 1/2 down as a non refundable deposit on all kids from our sales page. Since all kids are bottle raised, babies need to be shipped by 4 weeks of age to help reduce our  work load. We reserve the right to modify pricing on kids once they are born, pricing them higher or lower as we deem appropriate. Yes, we do take paypal, but we ask that you add an additional 3% to the amount because of rising fees. Thanks!


Purchasing Kids

When purchasing kids, please remember that leaving home is a stressful event for the baby. Babies handle stress by getting diarrhea and sniffles, sometimes coughs. Their little systems need therapeutic support to get through this time period. Most of our kids, because they are so humanized, handle the moves with no problems whatsoever, but occasionally one will get sick. We ask that you keep support products on hand to handle the problems your baby may face. On our end, we do everything possible to ensure kids will take their move easily. All kids are given an antibiotic the day they ship out. We give each one a vitamin B12 injection as an immune system boost. They are freshly wormed, so they don't have that problem to deal with. And each is given a dose of mylanta to keep rumin acids even and a dose of probios so all tummy bugs are happy. We are here to help, and welcome your calls, if you need us! Our babies are important to us!


Purchasing Animals from our Sales Page

Should you wish to purchase an animal listed on our sales page we require half the purchase price as a non refundable deposit unless other arrangements are agreed upon by us. This will hold the animal of your choice till you make transport arrangements within 30 days of purchase, unless otherwise agreed upon. Should we have to hold an animal for more than 30 days, full payment is expected. We will also charge a $2.50 per day boarding charge if pick-up is not made when previously arranged. All monies received are non refundable should the purchaser back out. If you back out for any reason, our deal is completed.  Bred does left with us for extended periods of time and give birth here...we retain the right to keep the kids as payment for caring for said doe and delivering and subsequently caring for kids. Should the need arise to cancel the sale on our part, we will give proper notice before doing so. You will of course get a full refund of your monies in a case such as that, or we can transfer your deposit to another animal of your choosing. Payment must be made in full before an animal leaves our farm. It is of utmost importance to us to have animals ready to go when THEY are ready. Therefore, they will only leave when we believe they're ready to do so. We are not difficult to work with, if you tell us what you have in mind from the get-go we can usually work something out. We've just been left holding animals for months with purchasers backing out. We find that a little disconcerting. So, if you're interested in an animal and have a financial plan in mind...let us know. We'll see what we can do!


Transporting Animals

***Note; We will no longer ship animals with Delta Airlines!***
When considering to purchase an animal from us, please consider how you will get it home. Transporting the animal is up to you. We would be happy to help make arrangements, but ultimately it's up to you how it should be done.  If you need to fly one, you are responsible for paying for the pet carrier, and health certificates, and cover milage to & from both the airport and veterinarians office. You are also responsible for the air fare. We would be happy to check which local airlines will transport animals, and are happy to help with making arrangements. We will do our best to accomodate the arrangements, but we would appreciate a choice as to what day and time is good for us to take the animal to the airport. 


Testing and Herd Health

Concerned about CAE, etc...? Please, see our About CAE page. Please check with your state as to required health tests if any are needed. We would be happy to have the tests run, however, you would be required to pay for them in advance. We can give you an estimate of cost, should you need it. ***Note to buyers, we will NOT test animals under 3 months old. Will not happen, don't even ask.*** All animals MUST have health certificates. Health certificates are $35.00 each, at buyers expense. It's good, cheap insurance for you, the buyer, knowing your animal is healthy when it leaves our farm. Once the animal leaves it is up to you, the buyer, to ensure it is properly cared for in transit. We will not be held responsible for animals who become injured or ill during shipping. Unfortunately accidents happen. Our animals are healthy, happy and loved, we want to ensure they stay that way in their new homes!



We have decided to follow the American Dairy Goat Association's Recommended Trade Practices for Members.
We do not guarantee the fertility of does unless hermaphroditism becomes apparent as the animal matures. A doe sold as bred is not guaranteed to be pregnant, just that she recieved normal service from the buck.

We guarantee the fertility of our bucks. A buck, after reaching 1 year of age, should be able to serve and settle a doe. Should the buck prove to be a non-breeder, the buyer shall notify the us within 60 days from the first time he was used for service, provided the animal was over 1 year of age at the time of service; and the buyer shall provide sufficient proof, such as a statement from a veterinarian, that said buck is sterile. The buyer is expected to provide reasonable care and feed. If the animal has been neglected, we guarantee nothing. We have the option of making a satisfactory exchange or refunding the money. In no case shall we be responsible for more than the selling price. Animals that are exchanged are done so at the purchasers expense. We require the original registration papers returned in an animal exchange.
We do not guarantee any animal that is sold without registration papers.

Any further guarantees are neither expressed nor implied. We have no idea what sort of care or treatment our goats receive once they leave our possession, (though we hope all of you will give them wonderful homes) therefore you are responsible for their health and well being. We love our goats and hope you will too!

Thank you so much for considering animals from our herd!

Chris & Ellen Dorsey

Joshua & Jonathon Dill

21181 E. Hwy 28 A

Chelsea, OK 74016


(918) 789 - 8174


Ellen F. Dorsey

21181 E Highway 28A

Chelsea, OK 74016

(918) 789-8174


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